I update this page frequently, so come back for the latest information!


When you choose 2-day shipping or any specific number of days, please note that this estimate does not include our order processing time. Once we hand over your package to the shipping company, it will then take approximately the shipping time you selected at checkout.

Processing time usually takes 2 days however, as a small company our processing time can sometimes get delayed due to high order volume or holidays. If you have any questions about where your order is, please email our customer support team.

Not to worry! If there’s an item you’re interested in but we are out of it, you can always email us at teafriendsupport@jessesteahouse.com and we can notify you when something’s back in stock :)

Once you make an order, you'll receive a confirmation email with your order number. If you haven't, check your spam and double check the email you used at checkout doesn't have any typos.

You will also receive a second confirmation email when the package goes in the mail. For orders that are in stock, that is usually within 2 business days.

If you haven’t received this second email, your order isn’t lost or anything – it just means I haven’t mailed it yet!

Unfortunately due to customs issues most of the orders sent to Mexico in the past would not reach their destinations.

Until the issue is solved we will be unable to ship any orders to Mexico. We're really sorry!

Have a question?

Email us at TeaFriendSupport@Jessesteahouse.com

Call us at 845-883-8494. If you call and we can’t pick up the phone at that time, please leave a message and we’ll email you back!

Chat with us using the Chat Button located at the bottom right hand corner of the website.

Our Customer Service hours are Mon-Fri 9am-5pm EST (GMT-4/5). Email response time is between 1-3 business days depending on the time of year. For quick questions feel free to use the Chat Option.


Of course! Tea Club subscribers get access to additional channels but absolutely everyone is welcome to talk tea with our Community. Join the Teahouse at discord.gg/jessesteahouse

We don’t test the caffeine content for each individual tea product. The caffeine amount depends on many factors and variables like how the tea was made and how it’s brewed so we feel that it’s safer to omit any estimates.

On the other side we will always mark a tea as “Caffeine Free” if it contains no caffeine, but as a rule all other teas not marked this way are naturally caffeinated.

We do not sell our teas with any medicinal use in mind, nor can we endorse any of our teas to be used for any specific health conditions. We like to sell them for their taste and the tea culture they come with!

Not at all! Even in China, there are many different tea-making methods. Gongfu tea, the method I often use with the tea table, is just one. You can make all my teas with nothing more than a teapot, or even by simply throwing the leaves in the cup.

That being said, I personally find great value in the process of making tea with purpose. I find having a tea set out and ready inspires me to slow down and take a moment to enjoy my tea-making experience. I have full tea table starter sets on the site if you want to try it yourself!

The short answer is that our teas do not have organic certifications.

The long answer however is that all of our teas and teaware pass rigorous health inspections in China where the standards for teas and teaware glazes are exceptionally high due to both the general market and testing agents being more aware of tea and it’s accompanying equipment than those in the West.

Along with that, our teas specifically cater to the high-end tea market in China where both farmers and customers are very selective about avoiding harmful fertilizers and chemicals.

Although many teas sold in China lack Organic certifications, this absence typically indicates that the farmers don’t sell to western markets rather than suggesting the teas are harmful.

Tea in general has fewer health concerns because it is grown in remote, rural areas with minimal human activity and pollution, often on mountains where water sources remain uncontaminated by major population centers. For those with additional concerns, we recommend our Tea Master series. These teas come from a protected national forest, with access restricted solely to tea farmers and forestry agents. Explore our Tea Master series.

It would definitely depend on what your budget looks like, but if you have 2 mugs and a strainer then the easiest way to start would be to try our 8-Tea Sampler Box! It includes 8 different types of high quality teas so you can get a feel for what you like.

For a bit more, you can fit in some tea equipment like the Classic Gaiwan Gongfu Tea Set or the 2 Cup Travel Tea set.