Managing your Tea Club Subscription

Hello Tea Friends!

Jesse’s Teahouse offers customers the ability to manage your subscriptions directly through Shopify’s Customer Portal. 

 This can include things like:

  •  How much tea you want to receive;
  •  Add-ons like tea pets and tea cups;
  •  Changes to your shipping address;
  • Skipping a Shipment
  •  Pausing or cancelling a subscription.

The Customer Portal can be accessed by logging into your Shopify account.

To find the Login button simply click the drop down menu on the upper left hand corner of the home page and click the login button below “Full Catalog.”

Image of the Jesse's Teahouse Home screen with a red star around the drop down menu in the top left hand corner and a red arrow pointing towards it.

Image of Jesse's Teahouse drop down menu with a red circle around the login button near the bottom and a red arrow pointing towards it.


After inputting your email and password select My Subscriptions to manage your upcoming subscriptions

Note: Customers will need to log in to Shopify with the same email they used to purchase the subscription.

Image of your Jesse's Teahouse Account home page. There's a red circle around the "My Subscriptions" button in the top middle of the screen and a red arrow pointing towards it.


Once you're in the subscription page, you can edit any of your contact and payment information, change your future subscriptions, or pause/cancel anytime!

To change your subscription (ex. from  "Teas Only" to "Teas + Tea Pet") Do Not click "edit". Instead click the "Products in my subscription" drop down menu and click "Swap Product". You will then have the option to swap your current subscription type with whichever other option you want!

Please Note: if you are outside of the US, you will not be able to edit your subscription. To change what comes in your subscription you would need to cancel your current subscription and purchase the next one when it launches with your preferred add-ons.

Image of your Jesse's Teahouse Subscription page. Red Arrows pointing towards the different options for changing your subscription.

If you don't have a Shopify account and need to make one, forgot your password, or if you have any other questions, shoot us an email at We're always happy to hear from you!

Thank you so much for having tea with us!