"Bingdao Mellow" Shou Pu’er Tea Cake (2019)
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"Bingdao Mellow" Shou Pu'er Tea Cake (2019)
About this Tea:
2019 “Bingdao Mellow" Shou Cooked Pu'er Tea Cake
The deep, earthy flavor of Shou Pu'er is loved by tea people all around the world. This "Bingdao Mellow" pu'er is made from tea leaves from Bingdao Village in Yunnan, one of the top tea-producing villages in China. These top-quality leaves are blended with neighboring village leaves to produce a quality product at a great price.
Bingdao Mellow is super smooth and earthy, with a buttery mouth feel and woody taste. Aged 4 years, it will only continue to get smoother with age when stored in its original paper packaging and kept in a dry, cool place.
Shou, or "Cooked" Pu'er, is tea that comes from Yunnan, China. After picking, the tea is oxidized in a process called "Wet Piling" which encourages the tea leaves to deepen in color and flavor.
The result is an intense, dark, earthy tea that is said to benefit digestion. It is very different from "Sheng" or "Raw" pu'er, and is truly worthy of the title "Dark Tea."
This cake, along with the "Bent Bow" Sheng Pu'er, came from a mission of mine to find great quality, full-sized tea cakes that would come out to about $1 a session. I figured that at that price, anyone can make this their everyday tea.
This Shou Pu'er Cake is delicious and smooth, with a deep flavor that is warming to the stomach. Because it is so punchy, it is a good candidate for drinking straight, or turning into iced tea or even milk tea.
If you're not sure if you like cooked pu'er, you can always try our Pu'er tea oranges or 2005 Langhe pu'er as well!

These teas are high quality and can be re-steeped multiple times! Each serving makes between 4-8 big mugs of tea, so at around $.50 a cup, you get top quality Chinese teas at a price that you can enjoy every day.
Jesse's Teahouse started because when Jesse lived in Beijing, he realized the quality and value of the tea directly from the Beijing Tea Market was so much higher than what could be easily found in the States -- and around the world.
Jesse contacted his tea friends in Beijing, they shipped their best teas to him, and he sends them to you. That's it!
Jesse believes the key to making good tea is to help his Chinese tea friends share not just their best teas, but also their advice on how best make the teas.
That's why each box comes also comes with an info card that tells you:
- Tea Origin
- Steep Temperature
- Steep Time
- Directions for both teapot steeping and gaiwan steeping
There are also links to tea-making videos on QR codes on the back of the info card included in the tea box.
In Chinese Gongfu Tea Tradition, Tea Pets accompany you at teatime and you "raise" them by feeding them tea! Check out Jesse’s Tea Pets here.