DuiDui's Laobanzhang "Sakura Cloud Sea" Ancient Tree White Tea
7 x 8g Tea Coins per Canister (7 big sessions)
What is White Tea?
White tea is young tea that is harvested, sun-dried, and minimally processed.
White tea ages naturally, adding depth and flavor. It pairs a light, easy-drinking sweetness with herbal undertones, creating a rich experience enjoyable all year round.
Sweetness and POWER all in one coin
About This Tea
Duidui's done it again!
This a big daddy of a tea - true Laobanzhang leaves secured by my tea friend Duidui, who has been working with Laobanzhang tea for over 20 years.
Known as one of the top (if not the top) tea mountain in China, Laobanzhang village is so remote that it only got electricity in 1992. Since then, it has had a boom as tea collectors all throughout China have rushed to get its tea, known for its bold flavor and incredible depth and complexity.
The tea starts out a smooth yellow, and as the coin opens, it releases a dark orange, bright, and juicy tea with potent tea energy.
Note: 8g of tea is the smallest we can pack the coins, but it is a lot of tea, so I highly recommend cold brewing leaves when done for extra value!
That color tho
Jesse Says:
This is a bonkers good tea. Pressed in these coins, the first steeps come out mild and sweet, with a yellow color. Then, around the third or fourth steep, the coin comes fully open and the tea gets VERY potent - at this stage, I steep for only a few seconds per steep.
This white tea is from 2020, but Laobanzhang leaves make such a rich and dark color tea that it feels like a 10-year aged white. We pressed these into 8g mini-coins, perfect for travel or a sumptuous session at home. Be ready to resteep - these coins will easily make 10 steeps in a 120ml gaiwan, and up to 20 if you like the tail-end steeps.
Real Laobanzhang leaves are very difficult to buy at this price point because there is a huge upsell market within China. Even though Duidui could be selling this at many times this price in China, he has done us a solid and shared the tea at a more reasonable price so tea friends abroad can get access too.

Jesse’s Update:

We had such a huge explosion of support for this tea, with so many people asking for bulk orders, that I went back to Duidui and had him press this tea in 250g cakes!
The tea leaf material in the cakes and the coins is exactly the same, although it will open faster since the pressed tea is looser than the coins.
As white tea only gets better with age, why not save money and get a whole cake? Or two, or three…
Want the best value? This tea comes in many sizes - check the drop-down menu when purchasing!
Jesse's Teahouse started because Jesse realized the quality and value of the tea directly from the Beijing Tea Market was so much higher than what could be easily found in the States -- and around the world.
Jesse contacted his tea friends, they shipped their best teas to him, and he sends them to you. That's it!
These teas are high quality and can be re-steeped multiple times! Each serving makes between 4-8 cups of tea, so at around $.50 a cup, you get top quality Chinese teas at a price that you can enjoy every day.
Jesse believes the key to making good tea is to help his Chinese tea friends share not just their best teas, but the best ways to make the teas.
That's why each box comes also comes with an info card that tells you:
- Tea Origin
- Steep Temperature
- Steep Time
- Directions for both teapot steeping and gaiwan steeping
All Jesse’s Teahouse Tea Friends (that’s you now!) also get access to private YouTube videos where Jesse and his Chinese tea friends show you how to make the teas and explain the tea-making process.
The links are on QR codes on the back of the info card included in the tea box.
Don't Forget Your Tea Pets!
In Chinese Gongfu Tea Tradition, Tea Pets accompany you at teatime and you "raise" them by feeding them tea! Don't forget to check the tea pet page before you go!